Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Human Cleric

Human Basics:

Male Human Cleric
Humans are the most numerous civilized race of Golarion with a variety of ethnicities, and a stake in virtually every corner of the world.[1] Known for their adaptability and versatility, humans have throughout history been behind many of the largest and most prosperous of nations.[2]

No one truly knows what deity or creature first created the human race. According to aboleth wall carvings, they were responsible for humanity's creation, although this claim is impossible to prove conclusively.[3]

Distinct ethnic groups can be found throughout the world, each with its own unique culture and appearance. While mingling does occur, most humans fall into one of these groupings more prominently than the others.

Cleric Basics:

Female Human Cleric
Clerics are the warrior-priests of Golarion. They seek to spread their faith through conviction, words, and in some cases, war. Unlike the normal practitioners of religion, even regular priests, the cleric is actually connected to their deity through prayer and practice. They receive training in the basics of war at the same time they learn to channel the influence of their deity.

Religion is everywhere and likewise are the clerics. From the lowliest hamlet to the largest metropolis, all creatures maintain shrines and temples and have some modicum of faith. Where there is faith there is a cleric to maintain and spread that faith.

Only the most dedicated of clerics spread their religion beyond their home region. The call of adventure is a good way to spread word of ones faith, but is also a quick path to the grave. Most adventuring clerics are of good or neutral deities, seeking to combat evil or maliciousness wherever it arises. Evil clerics are more rare - a church founded on evil is rarely united, and chaotic evil churches even less so. Nonetheless, evil clerics are particularly feared throughout Golarion, if only as portends of the actions of much greater evil.

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