Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Half-Orc Fighter

Half-Orc Basics:

Half-orcs are the inevitable result when orcs clash with other humanoid races. Several orc tribes actively work toward breeding half-orc children for their greater mental capabilities. These half-breeds are despised by most of the world, however, which sees them as the spawn of violence or a filthy perversion.[1]

Half-orcs vary in appearance more than most other races, ranging from more orcish features such as greenish skin and protruding lower tusks to near-human with little more to distinguish them as half-orcs than prominent noses, jawlines and brows. Some of the offspring of orcs and human however have dominant human traits making them appear as if they were completely human.[2] Regardless of facial appearance, virtually every half-orc has a stature far larger than that of the average human. Their hair most often is dark, favoring shades of brown, gray, or even dark red, although black is the most common. Their eyes are often small and beady, while their ears are almost always pointed.[3]

Fighter Basics:

Fighters are the pinnacle of martial combat. Where mages learn to defeat their foes by wielding the powers arcane, and others through the grace of their deity, the fighter survives through strength of arms alone. In Golarion, the life of a fighter is the primary recourse of a would-be adventurer. No study is needed, no blessings to be imparted–all one needs is a sword and the will to excel and become better.

Unlike the Warrior, the fighter is more than just someone familiar with the arts of war. They are beyond the ken of simple sword-wielding soldiers, often (but not always) having attended military academies or private schools, such as those in Brevoy. They are tougher, more skilled, and better prepared to face their foe. Their experience or training makes them excellent commanders on the battlefield and in the garrison. Although the military life is a suitable one, available in all nations of the world, it is not the only one afforded a fighter, nor is it always the most elegant. A fighter might be a mercenary, gang-member, or simply an adventurer.[1]

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