Friday, September 19, 2014

Yume Bloodstone

Yume Bloodstone's earliest memories are running in a field with her mother, emulating some of the squire boys she had seen by wearing discarded armor she'd found in their camps, trying to learn the hunting and trapping skills her mother employed so easily. Of course, this was harder for her due to the inflexibility of her armor, but over time she learned techniques to compensate for it.

At the age of 12, Yume's mother received a message from her biological father, a human man from the city of Absalom. He had been selected to help teach in an academy within in the city, an academy designed to keep the Society of Pathfinders from dying out as the wildlands grew ever stronger. Yume's mother had indeed noticed more demons in the area, and stronger ones as well. Could it be true that the Worldwound had opened further? Or worse, were the demons winning the ever-lasting Mendevian Crusades? Either way, the idea of moving to an actual human settlement was not something that Yume's mother much liked, but keeping her daughter safe called for any and all precautions to be taken.

Arriving in Absalom, Yume was instantly taken in by the charm of the massive City at the Center of the World. She felt immediately at home, although she would steal through the gates at the drop of a hat to enjoy the woods on the other side of the walls. Between two worlds, she grew up beautiful and tall, proud and strong, and her father had her entered into the Pathfinder Society's Youth Chapter of Heroic Explorers just as soon as she was able to. To his dismay, her peers looked down on her instantly. Professor Bloodstone was known as one of the surliest, toughest professors in the academy, due to his serious nature and stern reactions to any horseplay. This drove his daughter from the more popular student body toward the group of outcasts that had bonded together. Frustratingly enough, this group also contained his least favorite student, a wise-cracking gnome who seemed to constantly be laughing at the administration of the academy that he felt so graciously allowed her to attend classes, despite her advanced age.

Outside of classes, Yume was blessed and cursed with an otherworldly appearance, which made most humans at least slightly uncomfortable. They would gawk and stare, trying to decide whether she was uncommonly pretty, or just... "off." This feeling of otherness drove her closer to her band of misfit friends.

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