Friday, September 19, 2014

Magella Pegason

Magella's early life was spent in bowed reverence to the goddess Shelyn's messages of love, beauty, art, and music above all else. As a child she felt drawn to these feelings, understanding the simple messages of her parents' faith as law. Of course, the protection of art and other living things seemed to be the obvious way people should behave.

This unerring devotion to her goddess's teachings was seen by many in her community as incredibly naive, and the local children would tease and chide her for her pure heart and belief that others would see in her the teachings of Shelyn, and come to the light of her love by that. Magella never preached or proselytized, but chose to instead serve as an example of goodness and expression. Her chosen forms of art at a young age were simple wooden carvings and poetry. As she grew, her interest in exposing this poetry to the world grew as well, but rather than singing it like some members of her congregation chose, she decided to scrawl this poetry on the walls of the city, taking Shelyn's message to the streets. Her beautiful calligraphy and artistic displays of faith came to earn her a bit of a reputation. One day while working on a particularly involved depiction of one of her favorite hymns from the Melodies of Inner Beauty, the holy text of the church of Shelyn, she was discovered by one of the clerics of her congregation. In an attempt to channel her energies toward a more lawful expression of her holy impulses, this cleric chose to take Magella in as his apprentice.

Quickly, her skills as a battle-ready instrument of faith became apparent. It seemed, indeed, that Shelyn had a chosen emissary for spreading her gospel, but that Magella may actually be used more as a fist of the faith than a mouthpiece. Realizing this, the clergy of her congregation prepared a proposal for Magella's parents: Enter her into the Pathfinder Society's Youth Chapter of Heroic Explorers for more seasoning in adventuring, so as to help grow her survival skills. Her parents flatly refused.

Unfortunately for them, though, Magella had already come around to the side of the church in this debate. Working with the head of her now-former church (her parents had already started attending services out of a neighbor's house rather than associating with a "bloodthirsty sect" of their religion), Magella created a scheme wherein she pitched the idea of a clergy apprenticeship with another church of Shelyn, across the city from her their previous church. Contacts within the clergy worked out different contacts for Magella's parents so they could keep her parents from learning the truth: Magella would indeed serve as the closed fist of Shelyn against her enemies, and would receive extra training in this from the PSYCHE academy.

Within the academy though, Magella's... quirks... were still an issue with the class in general. However, this led her to forming tight bonds with some of the less-appreciated youths in her class. In particular, she was fond of Raiden, a large half-orc boy whose gold heart shone through his otherwise intimidating exterior, and of Graceela, a young gnomish prankster who had quite possibly the funniest jokes Magella had ever heard.

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